Halloween Zoom Backgrounds – Top 10 Best Free Options
Are you trying to get festive for Halloween on your Zoom calls? Here are 10 of the best FREE Halloween Zoom Backgrounds.

The spooky season is almost upon us, and you know what that means—time to impress your colleagues and friends with a custom Halloween Zoom background. But what makes a good Halloween Zoom background? Well, it has to be spooky, it has to be high-resolution, and it has to embody the Halloween spirit. Here are our top 10 picks for the best free Halloween Zoom Backgrounds.
Halloween Zoom Backgrounds – Top 10 Best Free Options
1. Boo!
You know we had to start it here. The classic BOO background is perfect if you don’t want your Zoom background to be too over-the-top for work.

2. Black Cats Bring Good Luck
We’re over the old wives’ tale that black cats bring bad luck. Forget that! We say, during Halloween this year, that black cats bring good luck. This Zoom background is sleek and spooky at the same time.

3. You’ve Got the Right Idea, Jack
Who doesn’t love a couple of goofy-looking jack-o-lanterns? We love the reflections on the ground, and we like how you can use this without scaring off potential clients.

4. Subtle, but Festive
If you’re going for a something a little less over-the-top, this simple black background and pumpkins might do the trick. Sure, it isn’t “fully” Halloween, but you don’t want to risk coming off as unprofessional, right?

5. Lighter and Brighter
If you want to embody Halloween but don’t want a super dark background these haystacks and pumpkins might be your thing. We personally appreciate the darker side of things, but we get it–you’re on Zoom.

6. We’ve Got a Bone to Pick with You
OK–we get it, your boss wouldn’t love this one, but you’re a real Halloween fanatic! Right? We think it’s goofy enough that you’ll get a pass.

7. Ghastly Ghost
You didn’t think that we could have a Halloween Zoom Background list without including a little ghost here or there, did you?

8. Subtle yet Spooky
If none of the other backgrounds have really attracted you or have felt over the top, you might want to get your Edger Allen Poe on with this subtle yet spooky moon.

9. What if I want More Color?
If you loved the last background, but wished it was a bit more of a blood moon, you’re in luck. Howl at the moon with this Halloween Zoom background.

10. Relax, We’re Not all Doom and Gloom
We left this here at the #1 spot for anyone who wants to have a bit of a lighter and brighter aesthetic to their Zoom call. After all, Halloween doesn’t only have to be about the macabre.

And there you have it! Those are the top 10 free Halloween Zoom backgrounds!
For more seasonal Zoom backgrounds, check out our collections:
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