How to Get Unshadowbanned on TikTok


If you think your account might have a shadowban on TikTok, here’s how to check and how to get unshadowbanned.

How to Get Unshadowbanned on TikTok

Since the rise of TikTok, content creators have constantly been worrying about shadowbans. “Shadowban” is a term used across many online services and social media applications like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. If you’re a full-time content creator suffering from a recent decrease in views, you might wonder if you’re shadowbanned and how to get unshadowbanned on TikTok.

So, what is a shadowban on TikTok?

A shadowban is an account restriction that limits your visibility on TikTok. Shadowbanned accounts can expect less engagement and video views and could result from violations, strikes, or unoriginal content.

Shadowbanned TikTok accounts may receive significantly fewer views and engagement on new videos.

How to Check if you are Shadowbanned on TikTok

To check if you are Shadowbanned on TikTok:

  • Log out of TikTok.
  • Visit the TikTok website.
  • Type your username in the search bar.
  • You are likely shadowbanned if you cannot find your account by username.

An easy way to search for your account is by using this link and replacing the USERNAME text with your username:

If your account does not appear in the results under the Accounts tab, there’s a good possibility your account is shadowbanned. This is especially true if your account name is unique, meaning there are no other accounts with a similar name. 

How to Fix a TikTok Shadowban

To get unshadowbanned on TikTok:

  • Check the Account Updates section of your TikTok inbox for violations.
  • Clear your TikTok cache from the phone settings.
  • Log out of all TikTok accounts on your device.
  • Continue posting engaging, unique content regularly.

As per TikTok’s post on content violations and bans, TikTok will notify you of any violations. Violations will eventually go away over time, assuming you’ve cleared up the issue. Depending on how severe your violation is, you may receive temporary or permanent bans and shadowbans on your TikTok account.

Next, you can try clearing your TikTok cache on your phone. To clear your TikTok cache:

  • Open TikTok on your device.
  • Tap on the Profile button on the bottom right.
  • Tap on the three lines on the top right, and click Settings and Privacy.
  • Scroll down to Cache & Cellular Data, and tap on Clear cache.

After checking and clearing up any TikTok violations and clearing your cache, the next step is to log out of your TikTok accounts on your device. If you have many TikTok accounts tied to one device, your accounts could be linked to spamming, leading to a shadowban. We recommend having one primary account. If managing multiple brands, ensure all content is unique and provides value.

After following the steps above, it’s time to resume using TikTok like normal. You may be discouraged due to a drop in views and engagement, but this will resolve itself over time as long as you abide by the community guidelines and upload quality content.

We recommend reviewing the Community Guidelines and reading TikTok’s official post on how to make your videos TikTok-friendly and tips for successful organic content.

For more guides and walkthroughs, check out our TikTok section.