How to Buy Internet Computer (ICP) Crypto
Learn how to buy the Internet Computer (ICP) crypto token on several different exchanges.

Internet Computer, conceived by programmer Dominic Williams in 2015, is one of the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. A nonprofit organization, DFINITY Foundation, develops the Internet Computer, a public blockchain network designed to host smart contracts and Web3 applications.
If you want to purchase the Internet Computer token (ICP), you may have some questions. That’s why we put together this guide on how to buy ICP crypto on the most popular exchanges. Below, you can find out exactly which exchanges to purchase it on, depending on where you reside.
How to Buy Internet Computer (ICP) Crypto
Internet Computer (ICP) is available on several exchanges. Depending on your region, you may have a few exchange options available. To buy Internet Computer (ICP) crypto tokens, you can visit exchanges:
- Coinbase
- Kraken
- Binance
- Bitfinex
- Log in or create an account on Coinbase.
- Fund your account with BTC, USD, EUR, or GBP.
- Navigate to the ICP trading pair of your choice.
- Exchange funds for ICP at the market price.
- Log in or create an account on Kraken.
- Fund your account with USD or EUR.
- Navigate to the ICP trading pair of your choice.
- Exchange funds for ICP at the market price.
- Log in or create an account on Binance.
- Fund your account with BTC, BNB, EUR, or ETH.
- Navigate to the ICP trading pair of your choice.
- Exchange funds for ICP at the market price.
- Log in or create an account on Bitfinex.
- Fund your account with BTC or USD.
- Navigate to the ICP trading pair of your choice.
- Exchange funds for ICP at the market price.
What is Internet Computer (ICP)?
Internet Computer (ticker: ICP) is a fast and scalable general-purpose blockchain founded by DFINITY Foundation in May 2021. Internet Computer aims to build the largest “world computer” for hosting Web3 decentralized applications, decentralized finance projects, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), games, and other metaverse projects.
What are the best wallets for ICP?
After purchasing ICP on an exchange, you may want to move them to a personal wallet for storage. These are the best ICP compatible wallets:
- Network Nervous System (NNS)
- Plug Wallet
- Stoic Wallet
There are also a few more wallets in development, including Earth Wallet and Dfinance. Furthermore, users who prefer using cold storage can use any hardware wallets that support Difo U2F, including Trezor and Ledger.
That’s everything you need to know about how to buy ICP crypto on popular exchanges. As always, this is only an informational post — invest at your own risk and always consult a professional.